The Latest

Kendi Everyday: Classic, with witty commentaries to boot
The Daybook: Fun outfit ideas in the archives
The Small Things Blog: Great hair tutorials

Barefoot Adventures: A close friend's life adventures
Hey Natalie Jean: Great writing style about everyday things
Lauren Elizabeth: Refreshing lifestyle blog
My Medical Transformation: My husband's journey through medical school
MD School Mrs.: A great reference for crafts as well as advice to spouses of med school students

Crockpot 365: This woman is my slow cooker hero
Ruffles and Stuff: Cute and simple crafts and sewing
MADE: Sewing/crafting inspiration and ideas


  1. Nicole, you are so precious. I'll be praying for you in this not-so-ideal season of marriage and school. AT LEAST YOU HAVE A CROCK POT TO KEEP YOU WARM!

  2. Jordan, you are too sweet. Thanks for your prayers - any and all are always appreciated! And may I suggest you register for at least one Crock Pot to use early on in your marital bliss so as to not accidentally threaten your new husband with food poisoning by serving him a so-not-worth-the-time-or-effort dish made of cheese gone bad? :)
