Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Probably the best catalog ever.

New semester.
New clinical. 
First full day on the floor today. 

While I won't be divulging any information on this blog as to where I am or with what population I'm working, I will say everything about it is just mediocre at this point. I knew going into it that this clinical wouldn't be my absolute favorite so it's not like it's a disappointment or anything. It's just seven weeks that I'll have to buck up and muscle through! 

When I got home this afternoon, I checked the mail and was welcomed by quite the gem of a scrubs catalog for Husband. He ordered some this earlier year with his school's mascot embroidered on the tops (and pants, too, I think?) as part of a fundraising thing or something of the sort and the company must've sold his mailing address to third parties or they somehow snagged it another way. Hooray. 

I snapped a few of my favorite model poses:

By the way, this is what health care providers really do - just fist bump all the time…while others listen to music and creepily give room to do so… 
Again, we just stand around like this on a regular basis…especially like purple there in the middle striking quite a sassy pose. 
Thank goodness these aren't required anymore.
This is so we can blend in with our natural surroundings…naturally. And as you can see, they're unisex! What a plus!
I just really like the brand - Med Couture. So chic. 

Because who said that health care had to be unfashionable? 

1 comment:

  1. I like how the cammo-sporting models look SO comfortable. We've got fiddling-awkwardly-with-my-ring-finger-while-trying-to-play-it-cool guy and I'm-trying-so-hard-to-smile-with-my-eyes-and-not-just-my-mouth-but-I-can't-remember-what-it's-like-to-be-happy-so-please-just-TAKE-THE-PICTURE! girl.

